
Hustle Culture vs. Human Design Strategies

 It is no surprise that we live in a culture that values overwork, material successes, and quick decisions. It is also no surprise that many of our communities experience mental health problems, ranging from major life affecting episodes, to minor bouts of anxiety and depression. It is said that anxiety comes from living in the future and depression comes from living in the past, and all of these symptoms come from living mostly inside your own head. Contrary to this popular belief that all problems m ust be solved through thinking (or overthinking!), Human Design proposes a way to solve problems using other parts of our being. This involves using our Human Design type to follow a strategy that works for our energetic blueprint. By following this, individuals are better able to find the answers they seek and life seems to operate with more flow and ease.  There are five design energy types including Generator, Manifestor, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. A brie...